
Sex Male
Level 441
World Primis
Vocation Runic Paladin
Guild Minister of Axiom
Last Login 16 September 2024 (16:24)
House Moonkeep, Carlin
Status online
Created 23 April 2023 (21:53)
Death List
15 September 2024 (01:40) Killed at level 438 by an furious mistress
and by a hellhound.
27 August 2024 (19:31) Killed at level 425 by a giant eagle (soloed)
22 August 2024 (19:08) Killed at level 422 by a medusa (soloed)
22 August 2024 (18:31) Killed at level 422 by a Behemoth (soloed)
03 May 2024 (16:07) Killed at level 359 by a corrupted plague (soloed)
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