
Sex Male
Level 105
World Primis
Vocation Runic Paladin
Guild Bard of The Hard Bards
Last Login 13 October 2023 (10:46)
Status offline
Created 10 December 2021 (18:01)
Death List
10 June 2022 (18:08) Killed at level 25 by a minotaur archer (soloed)
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    Tabon 136 Noble Knight 06 November 2023 (16:26) offline
    Shizzledizzle 57 Noble Knight 31 October 2023 (15:11) offline
    Skadooshz_15396 17 Paladin 11 October 2023 (10:14) offline
    Yona 1 No vocation 15 September 2023 (13:48) offline
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