Neti Neti

Sex Male
Level 79
World Primis
Vocation Knight
Guild Bard of The Hard Bards
Last Login 16 September 2024 (22:53)
Status offline
Created 08 May 2022 (16:01)
Death List
18 July 2022 (20:19) Killed at level 61 by a demon skeleton (soloed)
18 July 2022 (20:11) Killed at level 62 by a banshee
and by an misery.
15 July 2022 (13:51) Killed at level 60 by a blue djinn
and by a marid.
23 June 2022 (15:14) Killed at level 37 by a dwarf guard (soloed)
04 June 2022 (13:19) Killed at level 35 by a beholder (soloed)
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