
Sex Female
Level 159
World Primis
Vocation Runic Paladin
Guild Pretty Hard Bard of The Hard Bards
Last Login 19 July 2024 (21:16)
House Wood Avenue 9b, Edron
Status offline
Created 03 July 2022 (07:44)
Death List
24 October 2023 (11:24) Killed at level 157 by a Colossus (soloed)
18 September 2023 (08:28) Killed at level 152 by a medusa (soloed)
06 September 2022 (11:31) Killed at level 122 by a demon (soloed)
10 August 2022 (20:33) Killed at level 110 by a fire elemental
and by a demon.
09 August 2022 (17:32) Killed at level 108 by a demon (soloed)
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