
Sex Male
Level 340
World Primis
Vocation Ancient Druid
Guild Banuta keepers of Zoo Keepers
Last Login 16 September 2024 (16:20)
House The Flying Dutchman, Venore
Status offline
Created 16 January 2023 (19:18)
Death List
01 June 2024 (18:05) Killed at level 342 by The Ancient Mage (soloed)
19 May 2024 (20:06) Killed at level 344 by a Soul Worm (soloed)
15 May 2024 (16:34) Killed at level 345 by a Holy Phoenix Knight (soloed)
12 May 2024 (10:52) Killed at level 347 by a demonic beholder (soloed)
12 May 2024 (10:42) Killed at level 348 by a demonic beholder (soloed)
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